L-R: Ayanda Allie #3; Mmusi Maimane #1; Nobuntu Hlazo-Webster #2; Kathryn L Berman #4 on BOSA Parliamentary List
In the 30th momentous year of our Democracy, there is much to celebrate:
President Mandela shepherded in a landmark Constitution and monumental legislative, institutional and societal change.
Investment (financial and social) poured in in the heady days post-1994, and we were the flavour of the world.
And then we lost our way.
Today, the amazing Democracy that we all fought so hard for, is faltering; leadership is overwhelmingly corrupt; and our resilient and faithful citizens are losing hope.
After decades dedicated to social justice, and working in community, government and private sector, and disillusioned at how minuscule my impact work was, I decided that it was time for democrats and activists to step up.
It has been a challenging journey, but I know that I will serve you loyally, intelligently and faithfully. I hope that my commitment will be met with your support.
In the Proportional Representative System: On average, each seat requires 40 000 to
60 000 votes.
If BOSA accrues 160 000 - 320 000 votes on the National Ballot, (we are aiming for at least 1 million) we will get 4 seats.
If you believe that I will make a difference, and will be able to represent your interests in Parliament, please consider voting for BOSA in at least 1, ideally 2 or 3 of the 3 ballot papers - preferably the National and Regional ballots. The Proportional Representation system means that these two, determine our seat allocation in Parliament.

I do not believe that I am exceptional. But I do believe that I am committed and bring decades of expertise - social and intellectual - to the table.
I have worked in Government in an executive capacity and consulted to many Government and parastatal Departments (SARS, NPA, Treasury, Dept of Communications, Dept of Home Affairs, Dept of Social Services, ICASA, SITA, SABC etc), as well as multi-national organisations such as the World Bank.
I have been fortunate to assist in drafting much policy (including the National Development Plan) and have participated directly in Parliamentary proceedings.
Additionally, I am adding an LLM in Human Rights and Digital law to my BA Hons MBA and various diplomas.
I hope that this will assist in my being an effective Parliamentarian.
With that, I do not hold high any lofty promises. I promise to work hard for, and with, you. I do currently, and will continue to, consult widely in, and with, community.
I am committed to working diligently in Parliament and in Parliamentary Portfolio Committees. It is there that laws are drafted, passed and where implement and oversight occurs.
If possible, I intend to commit myself to the following Portfolio Committees, given my current and historical Human Rights focuses: Home Affairs; Health; Women, People with Disabilities and Children; Communications and Digital Technologies (I historically worked on Regulatory Authorities and Universal Access; my LLM dissertation is on AI regulation); Sports and Arts; and of course Small Business and Innovation.
I am determined to introduce a Member's Bill dedicated to establishing an opt-out regime for organ donation.
I also commit to finally seeing the introduction of true UNIVERSAL access (online).
I am also determined to ensure that most of the benefits and privileges bestowed on political office bearers are eliminated and that our salaries are capped with a significant portion donated to sectors of our choice.
And, finally, that Parlliament becomes accessible to all people from all communities.
If you believe that I will make a difference, and will be able to represent your interests in Parliament, please consider voting for BOSA in at least 1, ideally 2 or 3 of the 3 ballot papers - preferably the National and Regional ballots. The Proportional Representation system means that these two, determine our seat allocation in Parliament.

I first met with Mmusi Maimane in October 2022. He had established ONE SOUTH AFRICA (OSA) to fight for the introduction of Independent Candidates to Parliament. When the Portfolio Committee dragged out the legislative drafting - leading the activists to the Constitutional Court - Mmusi formed BUILD ONE SOUTH AFRICA with Nobuntu Hlazo-Webster.
I realised that our values were well aligned. And where our policies and ideologies differed, this was accommodated for, as the party provided an umbrella for Independent Candidates. It has been 18 months of full-time commitment to building BOSA. I believe our line-up is impressive: At Number 1 of 130 candidates for National and Provincial Ballots: Mmusi Maimane sports two Masters degrees, is completing a PhD and has the intelligence, knowledge, skills, compassion and charisma to lead us. He is joined by our indomitable co-founder Nobuntu Hlazo-Webster (Number 2 ) and the unequalled Ayanda Allie (3), with more qualifications than I can accommodate here. After a rigorous selection process, I am honoured to sit at Number 4 on the list.
Aside from my own years of work in social enterprise and impact, and in addition to the community work that each candidate is committed to individually, BOSA's extensive community work includes delivering water- tanks, boreholes, inverters, and school materials to marginalised communities , we have focused on what we can do well: working with the law - from individual legal representation on Human Rights abuses through to class action
Two substantial achievements include:
- We were the first party to join a multi-party court action led by Adv. Thembeka Ngcukaitobi which resulted in an explosive affidavit by then-CEO of Eskom, André de Ruiter, followed by his resignation. The High Court ruled in our favour, compelling the Minister to deliver electricIty to hospitals, schools and police stations within 60 days. The Department appealed.
- BOSA’s antecedent, One South Africa, and then BOSA initiated a lengthy court action compelling the Home Affairs Portfolio Committee to deliver on an equitable Electoral Amendment Act enabling Independent Candidates to stand for Parliament. As you will be aware, with the intervention of the Constitutional Court, a flawed Act has emerged, enabling our first ever election with Independent candidates. We shall continue the work inside Parliament in 2024 to amend this act and to establish constituency representation

It is a matter of opinion, but Parliament will be so much more effective with a robust and dynamic range of opposition parties.
The new crop of talent - across all parties - that has decided to step up from civil society, community and business for this landmark election is both inspirational and exciting
Their finest are at the top of their lists. I can’t wait to serve on Portfolio Committees with them, ensuring that together we will deliver the best legislation - drafted, passed, implemented and monitored.
For years to come.
Please support us and please stay in touch!
Sign-up to stay informed on news, events and updates from me and BOSA. I will be sending out questionnaires, updates and invitations to community feedback events when in Parliament.
Before that: Please vote on 29 May 2024. And Please vote BOSA.
As we are a new party of INDEPENDENT CANDIDATES, we are required to fund our individual campaigns. I hate to do this, but, I have been working with 20 to 50 young dynamic South Africans in our non-profit entity, IMPACT4GOOD, since 2018.
I have continued to work with them as we build our 2024 campaigns. But we also need money for materials, venue bookings etc.
We would so value your support. And at this point massive thanks to those dear friends who have voluntarily offered funding.
Should there be any funds over after 29 May, they will be ploughed into IMPACT4GOOD which will continue as an incubator when I enter Parliament. Full reports available.